First Meeting of the Fall Semester

We’ll have the first meeting of the class, Disorientation Guide: Radical Mapping of Twin Cities Schools, on this Saturday (10/4), 12:30-2pm, in Blegen Hall, room #115 (on the west bank of the U of M campus – see map here:

At the first meeting, we will: 1) introduce ourselves, 2) look at some examples of cool maps and disorientation guides (feel free to bring any that you have!), 3) talk about some theories of critical cartography (for this, you could read Wood’s “maps work by serving interests” which I posted here –, 4) brainstorm about what maps and dis-guide we could make, and 5) make plans for future meetings. 
Please let me know if you any questions or suggestions. Feel free to add comments on this page.   I’m looking forward to doing this project with you!  See you Saturday!  

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