Welcome! – first meeting, Sat. 6/14

The first meeting of “Radical Mapping: a disOrientation Guide for the U of M” will be this Saturday, 6/14, 3-5pm, in Blegen Hall 205, on the West Bank of the U of M campus (see map).  If you haven’t registered through EXCO yet, please do so here (click ‘subscribe’ at the bottom). 

Before the first meeting, please try to read “Maps Work by Serving Interests” – Ch. 1 of Denis Wood’s The Power of Maps (about 24 pages).  Wood helps us think about how maps can be very political things and how they construct our reality.  If you have time, check out some of the other links in our sections of readings, mapping collectives and blogs, and especially the disorientation guides from other schools.  To get our discussions rolling, please feel free to add comments on any of these pages (in the “leave a comment” part on the bottom).  You could respond by telling us what you’ve found interesting in any of these resources, or you could give links to new stuff you’ve found. 

Agenda for the first meeting:

  • Introductions (basic info about ourselves, and our interests, skills)
  • Arnoldas and Eli (the facilitators) will give an intro about this project and EXCO
  • We’ll collectively explore some of the online resources as well as books and maps that we’ll bring to class.
  • Discussion of the politics of mapping.
  • Brainstorming about possible topics to research for our U of M Disorientation Guide. 



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